Paper Title
A Study on Shoppers’ Preference for Online Shopping
Kumar, D Uday; Misra, Sheelan
E-commerce is buzzing word in today’s generation where a rigorous study required last one decade there is an exponential growth in e-commerce industry so the aim of the present study is to analyze the various factors that influence the shoppers to prefer online shopping. Study was undertaken at two tier cities in Andhra Pradesh i.e. Rajahmundry, Vijayawada & Tirupati cities. Exploratory Factor analysis is used as a statistical tool for the study. The data is collected primarily from a sample of 1200 from the shoppers. The findings show that there are 4 major factors with Eigen value greater than 1.0. The factors with highest scores are Economic, product, convenience and credibility that influence more on shoppers.
E-commerce, Factors, Eigen values and online shopping.